The idea of being a Canadian citizen is multiplied by the hundreds of thousands of young people who develop and plan their future career in Canada. Working Holiday Visa , Express entry (Skilled worker) or Sponsorship are some of the current options.
With the aim of neutralizing the aging of the population and the fall in Canadian birthdate, the federal government reformed the electronic immigration system called “Express Entry”, thus facilitating access to citizenship for all international students who fulfilled certain characteristics.
The country’s Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada states that immigrants already are the 75% of the country’s annual net workforce growth, and that is why we do not speak in terms of short-time when we say that Canada needs bright and talented young citizens who reinforce the country’s tax base.
This structural strategy of demographic reform is based on a ten-year trend dating back to 2014 and predicts that the country’s labor force will be represented 100% by immigrant citizens. The estimate in terms of international students indicates an increase to half a million.
In the academic period 2015-2016, the international student population grew by 8% to over 350,000; this quantity represents 1% of Canada’s total population. Another interesting fact that shows the importance of this initiative is the comparison with other countries, for example the US, where the rate of international students is less than one-third of one percent of the population (<0.33 %)
The internationalization of Canadian education ensures a deep and lasting social long-term effect in the national system that links and favors intercultural relations with other countries. This factor broadens the perspectives of international students and gives them the opportunity to grow personally and professionally within the country.
A good example to contemplate the opportunities offered by this country would be the case of Canada’s new Minister of Immigration, who came to the country as a Somali refugee and study at the University of Ottawa to obtain a degree in law. This degree allowed him to access to the public position.
The percentage of so-called minority social groups has increased by 20% since the early 70´s, when Canada adopted multiculturalism. The country’s census bureau “Statistics Canada” says in its forecasting that the percentage will grow to reach 30% in 2030.
The Canadian population has been fair-minded so far, despite the fact that the country has one of the highest immigration rates in the world in developed societies. In British Columbia international students represent 18%; another significant example would be Montreal’s McGill University in which international students account for 25% of total enrollment.
Research writes down an increased concern among citizens. As more and more foreign students are reaching a higher percentage in schools while generating a collateral effect that reduces the rate of enrolled native students. That is why the locals are raising their worry as they are succeeding in favor of non-Canadians who pay higher fees for education services. Despite this, the general tone is comfortable and the country remains welcoming to outsiders.
Conclusion of this long article? Guys, studying in Canada is probably the best way if you are planning to move to Canada and get the Permanent Residency one day. You will get Canadian Education, you will be able to study and work legally in the Country and you will get more points and more chances to stay in Canada!
Source: The New York Times Statistics Canada