Co-op (Study + Work) program is still AVAILABLE! - Even better with off campus work permit and High Intermediate English Requirement - Uvanu International

Working Abroad in Canada

Effective June 2014, the second major change under the new student visa regulations in Canada is with respect to opportunities for international students to work in Canada during their studies. Under the new regulations, all international students with a Canadian study permit will now be automatically authorized to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breaks without the need to apply for a separate work permit.

However, in order to trigger these provisions, the student must be pursuing academic, vocational or professional training of six months or more that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate at a designated institution.

Co-op placements will be also affected under the revised regulations. Whereas any international student could have applied for a co-op work permit previously if a co-op placement was an integral aspect of their programme of study, the new regulations stipulate only international students who are pursuing studies at a designated institution may apply for a co-op work permit.

Private Vocational Colleges

Private career colleges are privately owned institutions that provide career-specific and vocational training to meet labour-market needs in a broad range of occupational fields. Private career colleges must be registered or licensed, as applicable, under provincial or territorial legislation to ensure that they meet minimum financial, program and other basic requirements. There are various specialized vocational colleges in Vancouver and UvanU International has been working with them for many years.


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Co-op programs

These colleges are still offering Co-op program with the period of 3-month, 6-month and 12-month. Most popular programs are Business Management Co-op and International Trade Co-op. Some colleges are offering Tourism & Hospitality Management, Sales & Marketing, Fashion Design, Fashion Merchandizing, Global Makeup Diploma, Jewellery Design, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Game Design, 3D Modeling for Animation & Games, Film Acting Diploma, Spa & Nail Technician Diploma, Web & Mobile Application Development Diploma and Acute Care Aide Diploma.

Language Requirement: ESL High Intermediate

With high intermediate level of English, you will be able to enter these colleges and start to build your new career. Under new regulations, international students with a study permit at one of these private vocational institutions will allow to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week, but program should be six months long or more.

[av_promobox button=’yes’ label=’Click here now’ link=’manually,’ link_target=” color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ size=’large’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue82b’ font=’entypo-fontello’] UvanU International is very excited to bring Co-op program back to our students. If you have any questions regarding one of programs, please contact us.

UvanU International


– Facebook: UvanU Vancouver

– WhatsApp ID: 1 604 618 5877

2 thoughts on “Co-op (Study + Work) program is still AVAILABLE! – Even better with off campus work permit and High Intermediate English Requirement

  1. Gibeom says:

    Hi, UvanU,

    I’m looking for a coop Program for 6months, 3months study + 3months coop. I also want to work a part-time job for 20hrs a week.

    I want to focus on improving my writing and speaking skills.

    Could you let me know the lists of coop programs?

    Also, Isn’t it hard to find a coop job after finishing studying for 3months?


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